Why You Should Be Using CSS @Layers
Wes and Scott discuss CSS Layers - a new way to control cascading and specificity by defining layers of CSS.
Wes and Scott discuss CSS Layers - a new way to control cascading and specificity by defining layers of CSS.
Supper Club
Covers a wide range of DevRel topics including what DevRel is, how to get into it, important skills like writing and public speaking, challenges like blog post quotas, and more.
This podcast episode covers a wide range of topics related to building a website or web application from start to finish.
This episode covers 5 interesting new CSS features including nth child microsyntax, CSS motion path, scroll snap, scroll driven animations, and margin trim.
Supper Club
Mark Techson from the Angular team discusses the latest with Angular 17 including the rebrand, new website, control flow syntax, deferred loading, state management and more.
Scott and Wes discuss launching the new Syntax.fm site, including database timeouts from too much data, the importance of error monitoring, dark mode UI bugs, using AI for show notes, managing background jobs with serverless, launching with TypeScript errors, having fast local development, being mindful of payload sizes, taking advantage of new browser APIs, and how Wes helped improve the overall design.
Scott and Wes explain the stale while revalidate caching technique, when you would use it, and how it allows you to serve cached content while asynchronously generating fresh content.
Supper Club
This episode covers Cloudflare Workers for running serverless code at the edge. The guests explain the use cases, benefits, and how Workers provides a standardized runtime model. Other topics include the Winter CG group for collaboration on web standards, using Wrangler CLI for local dev, and new AI integration.
Scott and Wes discuss how to implement dark mode and theming in web development, including topics like using color variables, overriding system preferences, solving contrast issues, theming components, and more.
Wes and Scott discuss JavaScript maps and sets - how they differ from arrays and objects, unique use cases, and when to reach for maps/sets over arrays/objects.